Scripture Texts: Genesis 48; Genesis 49:29-33; Hebrews 11:20-21
First Jacob was in the business of stealing a birthright from his brother, then he was about giving away a birthright. Clearly Jacob was looking at the son's of Joseph in a different way than any one else. Just like it was clear God viewed Jacob differently than the rest of the world.
For many different reasons each of us is viewed a certain way by the world around us. When people look at us they make determinations based on skin color, weight, overall cleanliness, our gender, or even our title. Assumptions are made and often it is determined how we are supposed to function in the world.
God sees beyond what the world around us often sees. God sees the heart of a person before all the externals. God see a person for who they truly are, not for who people think they are. God saw Jacob as the leader of the people, even though he was not the firstborn. God saw Joseph as the one who would provide for Israel during the famine, even though he was possibly the least of the brothers. Throughout the Scriptures we find God viewing people in a different light than those around them. God sees the true person.
Important to marriage is that we see the person our spouse truly is. It is so easy to get caught up in all the ideas others have of who our spouse is. We must strive to be the one person that no matter what sees and knows the person that God sees. To make this possible we must make ourselves available to be seen as well as to see.
Essential to marriage is the ability to be our true selves with each other. To see each other the way we think God sees us. Without this level of authenticity and trust, marriage will always be missing the deepest level of connection. To be able to be this vulnerable with our spouse, we must be vulnerable enough to trust God, and to begin to see ourselves as God sees us. Together, with God at the center, we can see our spouses for who they truly are, even if no one else sees the same thing we do.
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