Thursday, August 27, 2015

Tell The Whole World

Scripture Texts: 1 Corinthians 14:1-25; Psalm 66

"Shout joyful praises to God, all the earth! Sing about the glory of his name! Tell the world how glorious he is." -- Psalm 66:1-2

It often seems easier to complain about the areas of our lives that do not meet our satisfaction. Grumbling and complaining seem to come naturally. The subject of our discontent rarely knows a boundary, and God easily becomes the recipient of our complaints.

While we are found complaining, the world around us sees the way we complain about God, the church and the people we journey with. The grumbling goes on and on while we seem clueless as to why people do not come to church, or want to have a relationship with God.

In the Psalms, we find a fair amount of complaining, we also find a balance of praise. If the time is taken to search through the Psalms more instances of praise are found than complaining. Praising God has an impact in many ways. First, our soul is lifted up as we celebrate the greatness of God and the ways in which God's grace is at work in our lives. Second, when we speak well of God, praise, others around us get more interested in God.

The Psalmist says tell the world how glorious God is. Sing praises and celebrate who God is and what God is up to. The same is true of marriage. It has become common to grumble about marriage and the struggles that present themselves. Turn the television on and you will not have to look hard to find examples of people lamenting marriage more the celebrating. No wonder so many people are uncertain about marriage, they have watched too many people complain and not celebrate.

Not only should we celebrate the joy of being married, we should tell the world how glorious the person we are married to is. There is no replacement for celebrating our spouse in a one-on-one way by sharing what we appreciate and value about them. This is taken to the next level when we tell others about how great our spouse is.

May we be people who celebrate how glorious God is, and tell the whole world. May those who are married celebrate how glorious it is to be married. May we tell the whole world how glorious our spouse is. Celebrate the God who creates, the marriage that unifies souls, and the person whom we journey through life with as our spouse.

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